Our team of designers, engineers, machinists and test team all share a common goal and speak a common language chasing those 1%er’s. It's from our past experiences, in our innovations, in our designs, in our technology and in our processes that we bring you the difference. Here we share some of our key tools to help make this a reality.
Environmental Ethos:
Instead of shipping our precision made products in a variety of little plastic bags we asked our designers to come up with an environmentally friendly alternative. We up-cycle valuable resources on there way to landfill where possible, up-cycling them into recyclable packaging, shipping containers and padding.
Prototipo Works Up-Cycling: We interrupt a waste stream taking packaging that was otherwise headed to landfill, we inspect it, vet it, ensure it’s clean and match its size and dimensions with our products giving it a second life and a new purpose as our sole source of shipping material before through you, making its way into a recycling stream.